✆ (605) 367-7816
✉ Email Kirk Zeeck
Continuing Education Contact Hour Information
The DOE will accept Continuing Education Contact Hour Certificates for Professional Development (PD)
Continuing Education Contact Hours (CECH), are used when renewing your teacher certification.
It is the responsibility of the individual to:
Submit the required renewal documentation to the SD Department of Education in a timely manner to ensure their certification does not lapse.
Keep track of their past yearly CECH certificates provided by SFSD.
Keep track of how many hours they should receive from their district-led PD. Administrators tell participants how many hours they will receive at the beginning of the training.
Record their attendance at any Professional Development event by using the QR code/roster provided by the facilitator before the closure deadline and or before leaving the training site speak with a facilitator to resolve any problems they experienced when logging into the QR.
Log the attended Professional Development on their Professional Development Log.
Yearly obtain the required signatures on their Professional Development Log.
Staff Development cannot/does not:
Provide CECH’s for non-district sponsored professional development.
Provide CECH certificates from 2019 onward.
Provide the amount you have earned to date within a school year.
Know which PD is missing from your Professional Development Log.
Know specifics about your training sessions/professional development.
Obtain missing required signatures on your Professional Development Log.
Professional Development Log
District-sponsored in-service
Building in-service time
Book talks
Building-sponsored training that is not a Red Apple Workshop course (i.e. Literacy, Math, Social Emotional, Culturally Responsive, etc.)
Collaboration, not to exceed 5 hrs. per year, focused on student work & evidence of learning.
Do Not Log
Staff meetings
Planning meetings
Trainings sponsored by an entity other than the Sioux Falls School District
Red Apple Workshop classes (you will receive a Continuing Education Contact Hour Certificate from the instructor, if applicable)
Time increments of less than 30 minutes
Do not include any activities for which you have received a Continuing Education Contact Hour Certificate from a District administrator and/or an instructional coach.
Remember, when submitting contact hours, 15 hours equals one credit.
You must submit this form to the SD Department of Education (DOE) along with your on-line renewal application at the time of your scheduled renewal. Do not send the form to the SD DOE at the end of each year.
Do not send the Professional Development Log to Human Resources or Staff Development.
It is the responsibility of the individual to:
Download each year & keep track of their Professional Development Log(s).
Keep track of how many hours they should receive from their Professional Development.
Obtain the appropriate signatures on their Professional Development Log on a yearly basis.
If you are currently enrolled in an advanced degree program (i.e. master's, specialist's, doctoral) in which you will earn a minimum of six graduate level credits prior to your certificate renewal date, you do not need to utilize this form.
If you already have enough credits/Continuing Education Contact Hours to renew your certification, you do not need to utilize this form.
Please ensure that you list a specific title for your trainings on your Professional Development Log.

Dr. Kirk Zeeck
Assistant Superintendent of Academic Achievement

Sara Klaahsen
Coordinator of Language Immersion & Professional Development
✆ (605) 367-8304
✉ Email Sara Klaahsen