✆ (605) 367-7903
✉ Email Shelley Connelly
Employee Travel
In-District Travel
In-District Mileage claims will be recorded, submitted, and approved Online. Staff who are assigned to more than one building or staff that routinely travel between buildings as a part of their assignment are reimbursed for the mileage between the locations. In addition to recording the trips between teaching locations, staff whose duties take them to places other than teaching locations within the School District's boundaries can record those trips by odometer readings. The mileage claim will be submitted to the staff person's supervisor, the administrator will approve the claim and Finance will process the claim for payment.
In-District mileage claims should be submitted for reimbursement quarterly and must be submitted prior to June 30th of each year.

Shelley Connelly
Finance Clerk
Out of District Travel
The School District provides opportunities for travel for professional staff members. During studies and special projects, staff members may be requested to attend conferences or visit demonstration sites. Upon occasion classified staff members will be requested to travel outside the District for training or to represent the District at a specialized conference. Compensation is governed by working agreement language or federal wage and labor laws. The mileage rate shall be deemed to cover all expenses incidental to the operation of an automobile including, but not limited to, gasoline, oil, tires, repairs, insurance, parking meter and/or parking fees.
Guidelines for reimbursement
All travel, where expense to the School District is involved and employees are to be reimbursed for expense incurred, must have prior approval of the Superintendent or Director.
A separate travel expense claim form must be completed for each approved trip.
Allowable Expenses:
All necessary official travel on airlines, buses, privately-owned automobiles and other usual means of conveyance. All airline arrangements must be made by the Travel/Transportation Specialist.
Fares and such expense incidental to travel as airline baggage fees, the usual taxicab/bus fares from airport, to hotel and return.
Where transportation is by public conveyance, allowance shall be made according to accommodations of travel such as bus, train, or plane. Travel by air should be made at the "coach" rate at the lowest applicable rate and time available.
Where transportation includes the use of a rental car, employee must have prior approval of their director before the rental car is arranged.
Toll charges are allowable.
Original receipts, itemized and signed, are required
Airline baggage fees
Hotel or motel bill
Conference Fees
Taxi and/or airport transportation
All other expenditures, except meals
Reimbursement shall not be made on claims unless the receipts are attached to the reimbursement claim. Internet access is not reimbursable unless the employee receives prior approval from their Director.
All employee travel will be reimbursed in an amount not to exceed the rates for individual travel. Employees will be expected to travel in economical and practical manner. Two employees of the same gender will be expected to share a room. The District will reimburse the employee who paid for the room or one-half the actual cost of the room to each employee.
District employee in-state and out-of-state travel will be reimbursed according to travel allowances authorized by the rules adopted by the South Dakota State Board of Finance. Rates shall be attached to reimbursement claim form and filed with the Transportation/Travel Specialist of the District.
The Superintendent, or designee, shall have authority to approve an amount not to exceed seventy-three additional dollars per day for in-state lodging.
Meals are allowable with in this time frame.
| When Leaving Before | When Returning After |
Breakfast | 5:30 am | 7:59 am |
Lunch | 11:31 am | 12:59 pm |
Dinner | 5:31 pm | 7:59 pm |
Meals included as part of conference registration fees, hotel charges, or any other charge will be paid in lieu of the state rate. Meals for a staff member attending an in-town meeting are not reimbursable unless included as part of the registration fee. Meals provided at any work related meeting are not eligible for reimbursement.
School Car
If school car is used, submit gas and oil receipts for out-of-town purchases. Before leaving Sioux Falls the employee shall fill the school car at the designated service station, and fill the car again at the station upon return.
If a school car is not available and the employee uses a private car, mileage will be reimbursed at the state rate, or an allowance equal to air coach fare, whichever is less. The mileage rate shall be deemed to cover all expenses incidental to the operation of an automobile including, but not limited to, gasoline, oil, tires, repairs, insurance, parking meter and/or parking fees.
Mileage allowed will be from city limit to city limit using mileage listed on the current South Dakota highway map published by the South Dakota Department of Transportation or mileage provided by the South Dakota Auto Club.
Taxi or Bus
It may be necessary to use a taxi or bus to get from the airport to the place of lodging or meetings. Employees are required to submit receipts for expenditures in excess of $1 for bus fare and $3 for taxi fares. Taxi/bus fare to and from eating establishments are not allowable.
**These regulations are subject to change to conform to the rates of the South Dakota State Board of Finance.
If you have any questions about out of district travel, please contact Brenda Harold.

Brenda Harold
Travel & Transportation Specialist
✆ (605) 367-7916
✉ Email Brenda Harold
➢ Central Cervices